Need staggered breakout board or perfboard for repair

I’m in a bind here. I am repairing my studio monitor and it uses an older style Texas Instruments LM7466 chip. The installed “breakout board” is damaged.

The chip is a staggered lead multi watt 15 package as I see your chip (which I can’t use as my supply is -15vdc and +15vdc) STA540. I see the one breakout board you have looks ideal, except the traces aren’t connecting where I need. The

SparkFun Full-Bridge Motor Driver Breakout - L298N

Is just about perfect except it is connecting differently than I need. I could cut traces but do sent look like it is easy then to solder in wires to connect where I need.

Is there ANY option in proto perf type boards for staggered pin? All mine are in the same rows so every other pin is between holes. So I cannot mount it in there.

We don’t sell anything like that…but this on this … ototyping/ topic (VERY similar to your situation) was about the only thing I could find - there are also several alternate suggestions in that thread (it looks like the consensus was that just bending the pins for a prototype would likely suffice, but not for anything that might be subject to wiggly forces).

Hope this helps!