I’m making a PCB shield and I’d like to use a 3d model of the NEO-M8P-2 to mkae sure I have enough space to add it to my board. I have been looking for a while for any 3d models of the breakout board and I have not been able to find them. Does anyone have a 3d model or know where I can find it? Thanks.
We have the eagle files available https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/4/d/d/b/a/Qwiic_GPS-RTK_-_ublox_NEO-M8P.zip, which you can either use directly for dimensions using .brd, or you can export the file as stl/step and use a different CAD if you’d like
Thank you! Do these work with kicad 8 or are there different files I should use?
Yes ( though I did see some info about it being dependent on the kicad version so your mileage may vary! Dunno about kicad 8 specifically)
File - import project - eagle cad