When running the “example 3_getposition” some reason I get the “Ublox GPS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Freezing.” only with the DUE NATIVE USB port connected.
With the programming port I have no issue with either Wire1 or Wire ports.
Any ideas why?
The whole reason to use the DUE if for it NATIVE USB and CAN ports on board.
I think I fixed part of the issue. I can get it to work fine with Wire by lengthening the default wait time to 2000. But still can not get is to work with the Wire1. I am using 1.5K pull ups to 3.3V(like the DUE Wire port) and I have removed all of the other pullups but still can not get it to communicate with the M8U QWIIC board. I can get it to communicate with the QWIIC EEPROM and the 4X20 RBG LCD but not the M8u.
In Example 3 I replaced myGPS.begin() with myGPS.begin(Wire1,(uint8_t)0x42) as per the header begin(TwoWire &wirePort = Wire, uint8_t deviceAddress = 0x42)and Wire.begin(); with Wire1.begin(); as necessary for Wire1 vs Wire
Not sure what’s causing this, but we’ve experienced all sorts of weird behavior on the I2C bus on the Due. You might try switching to a different board like an Uno to see if that clears things up.