NEO-M9N, U.FL GPS Module Not Holding Updated Settings

I purchased a Sparkfun NEO-M9N, U.FL gps module, and it works just fine with my Teensy 4.0 mcu with a UART connection. Also connected it successfully to U-Center software and Win 10 PC to change certain settings. I updated the baud rate from 38400 bps (default) to 230400, and updated the refresh rate from 1 hz (default) to 25 hz. I exited out of U-Center and entered back in to verify the new settings - all good. The problem: I disconnected the NEO-M9N from my PC, and reconnected it to my Teensy 4.0. But the updates did NOT hold. I thought the onboard rechargeable battery held these settings. Is that not the case? What can I do to hold the updates made in U-Center? Is it possible to make the updates from my Teensy 4.0 with UART? Does Sparkfun sell gps modules that hold updates?

Hi Liam,

Please check the on-board battery is charged. Please connect the NEO board to power for 24 hours.

Please also check that you saved the settings to Battery-Backed RAM (BBR). In u-center, open View \ Messages View. Navigate to UBX-CFG-CFG. Select “Save current configuration” and press “Send” at the bottom of the window.

It is possible to do all of this using our u-blox GNSS library too. The hook-up guide will provide more details.

I hope this helps,


Use the Generation 9 configuration methods and save to FLASH. ie UBX-CFG-VALSET and CFG-UART1-BAUDRATE