The coordinates you have in your post are decimal degrees and the sparkfun library appears to use those as well.
The example appears to be looking for a coordinate with 7 positions after the decimal place so all you need to do is drop everything after the 7th decimal.
40.68947716486538, -74.04446821564673
These have 14 positions after the decimal so you're going to chop off the last 7 getting this:
40.6894771, -74.0444682
Also, you need 4 sets of coordinates to create a box around what you’re defining a fence around according to the example.
myGNSS.getLatitude() or myGNSS.getLongitude() never has any decimal point. There must be some conversion which I am unable to figure out.
One of the remarks say “Get the longitude in degrees * 10^-7” so I believe I need to know how to do the conversion backwards with values like 40.68947716486538, -74.04446821564673.
myGNSS.getLatitude() or myGNSS.getLongitude() never has any decimal point
Were you expecting a text string? The coordinates are stored internally either as floating point variables (declared double or float) or as 32 bit integers, in degrees*(1 or 10) million.