Having been a tinkerer, experimenter, ham radio operator, and overall gadget-lover, I naturally got into Raspberry Pi and Arduino. As sensors have become cheaper, popular, and more available, I have enjoyed making projects which interact with my sensors.
But, I got tired of having to look at my phone or computer, to see a reading. So, I wrote an Alexa Skill. Now, I can just say “Alexa: Ask Data Hub for the Air Quality” and 2 seconds later, she tells me the reading provided by my Raspberry Pi and the Spark Fun SEN-14193.
Once you enable the skill, the first thing you do is set it up. The skill will give you a random and unique pass-phrase. Just use that to enter the website, where you can easily configure trigger phrases (the words Alexa will listen for) and an associated URLs (which Data Hub will HTTP-call and speak the results to you).
Give it a try today. To learn more about Data Hub, ask questions, or share your comments (or even your sensor URLs), check out: http://www.VoiceDataSoft.com/DataHub
Having made SparkFun my #1 source for everything fun, I checked with them first, before posting this here, just to be sure they were ok with me sharing my new skill. They gladly agreed. I hope you enjoy and use my skill as much as I do!!!