Earlier today(around 2 hours ago) I was surfing the internet for some reason i dont recall, and i stumbled upon an altoids tin video. It showed how to make an usb device charger out of a altoids tin. This video led to another and another(like i said 2 hours) and i have witnessed plenty of electronic gadgets made by others and i am absolutely fascinated with this. So i am asking the community to point me in the right direction to learn how to do these types of things, with tutorials on what i believe is called electronic embedding(correct me if im wrong) and kits to start me off. Some of the vids were tutorials on how to make the things they made like small amplifiers or chargers and laser and things of that nature. The parts lists however included things ive never even heard of like resistors or 5v capacitors.
So like i said above, please point me in the right direction for this.