New to the forum, dumb question maybe.


I want to buy an Xbee to enable me to transmit telemetry data back from my RC plane. My dumb question is: Is there an XBee TX and a separate RX for communication, or is the one unit performing both and all I have to do is read or write to the serial port that the unit is on?

Thanks for the replies.


Nah, they are [transceivers. :wink:](Transceiver - Wikipedia)


lol, thanks for the link to wikipedia, needed that.

So what would be the best components to buy from Sparkfun so that I could transmit and recieve? Small like the XBee, something that has an ok range 5k for instance.

If not transmit and recieve, what are your thoughts on the Xbee to transmit the telemetry, what should I look at for the reciever?

Is this not what I want? … uct_ID=622

Hey thanks for the post, appreciate it.


Your welcome. :wink:

What’s the 5K? 5000M or 5000’? Either is quite a distance.

Depending where you are on this big blue planet, you may want to have a look at some the Pro 900 series. They look great but aren’t legal here in the UK.

With XBees, just buy any two the same and they will work perfectly with each other.

You may want to buy that kit from Digi, then you have two to play with and the boards to put any XBee back to factory defaults if you mess up the setting process.

Nice one. Thats what I needed to know.

Yeah I was meaning 5000 metres. I’m a kiwi living in California so looks like I am not limited as to what I buy on the legal standpoint. I would like the 900 as I have a 2.4 Ghz video transmitter on the plane that I don’t want to create interferance for from another device.

Cheers mate, appreciate the feedback. Have a good one.
