New Wifi with SPI


I did a quick search and didn’t find a previous post about this.

Roving Networks have a new WiFly, [RN-171, that is smaller, cheaper and has SPI + UART. All very good things! I would love to see you guys create a breakout board for it.



It seems I read the specs of the old module incorrectly, they both provide SPI. So, not quite the rush. It’s still a lower cost part that does the same, plus a couple of features, so it’d be nice to see a breakout board sometime.



Hi Studdart,

did you test mentioned module somehow? I just received mail from technical support and they wrote me, that

“SPI intetrface needs a lot of support and they cannot support university student projects” so I cannot use the SPI.

Is there anyone, who would be able to help me with SPI interface on this module?

Have a nice day,
