New Windows version of OpenOCD r204 available


a new compiled Windows version (r204) is available.

But as of R189, the “flash bank” syntax for the LPC2000 and STR71x
target has changed. For more information take a look at the OpenOCD page: … figuration

The new version r204 is available here:

Here you will find a small tutorial and the link for the OpenOCD.

Best regards,


Hi Michael,

is it possible to control FT_SetLatencyTimer via a parameter to openocd ?

I can compile the code by myself but think it will be better not to patch

the source on every new version.

best regards


Hello Martin,

I think this should address to Dominic, have you leave

this info in the dev forum too? … evelopment



really good new!! I like the fact that you guys are improving and upgrading yagarto… thank you so much!

do you know when are we going to have a new eclipse bundle with the latest version of CDT?

Hello alejmrm,

do you know when are we going to have a new eclipse bundle with the latest version of CDT?

Yes I know :wink:

In the moment I work on the “how to” and test the new version.

The new version will come with:

Eclipse 3.3, Zylin CDT 4.0 and Zylin plugin 4.0



super!!! I didn’t expect a positive answer!! thanks… looking forward to check it out.


Hello Arod,

the new “YAGARTO IDE” is now online, based on Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)

and the latest snapshots of the Zylin CDT + plugin.

Even the “how to” is updated.

Best regards,


Today was a good day!

My little toddler say her first ABC… (I got leap frog DVD), Denver Broncos won and now this, life is good man! :slight_smile:


There is a now (r205) a ft2232_latency configuration option to set the FT_SetLatencyTimer value. The ft2232_read function should also be better able to handle to short reads, but those problems have proved hard to reproduce and therefore to debug.

Hope this helps,
