I have endeavoured into a project of constructing an automated scale(s) for my bee hives. The project involves using a bathroom scale, a sparkfun combinator boaard, a HX711 board and an Arduino UNO connected with RF radio to my Rasphberry Pi base station.
I have some experience in data handling from setting up our home energy monitoring system, but I am only approaching very basic novice skills setting up the load sensors and boards.
I have hocked up the load sensors (1 kOhm each?) to the combinator board, but I can not make sense of the output resistances. Seems to me I should measure 1 kOhm between A-/A+ and E-/E+ and a little less between the other pairs, but I measure 3kOhm between all pairs except between E+/A+ and E-/A- where I measure 2 kOhm :roll: Each load sensor have two resistances, i.e. 4 sensors equals 8 resistances, but the generic full bridge diagram only show 4 resistances?
What should I be measuring as output resistances if I have done the hock-up correctly? Thanks in advance