I’m relatively new to programming the Arduino and have a project using a wifi module (sorry, I don’t have the model number handy) that talks to a remote web server to get some XML data. The challenge for me is easily parsing the XML response. I’m accustomed to higher level languages where this kind of parsing is either dirt-simple with libraries, or at least there’s decent String parsing. With Processing I’m finding this extremely painful to learn and debug. Also one has to deal with the HTTP response headers, and the fact that the WiFi module can only get small blocks of data at a time, further complicating parsing. Can anyone provide some practical advice on how to ingest web services data with the Arduino? Thanks!
You can check out the "Text Finde Library: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/TextFinder.
I’m using this for parsing responses from a webserver and find it very usefull.
Thanks, just what I was looking for!
consider also the C library “scanf()” and “sscanf()” functions. It parses a string and extracts numeric values.