No Eagle library for the SEN-12642 Sound Detector?

The Sparkfun Eagle library seems to have every Sparkfun part except for the SEN-12642 Sound Detector.

Is it hidden under a different name?

Did you see here in the documents section? SparkFun Sound Detector - SEN-12642 - SparkFun Electronics

Thanks, but not quite what I was looking for. I wanted a library file of the board as a component. Like if you are using the Wemos D1 Mini on a larger PCB, there is a library of the board as a component that I can drop into the Eagle schematic capture. I have built a board that uses the Sound Detector, a DFPlayer and a Wemos ESP board. I use Eagle to document my work.

Here I got proteus files of typical sound sensors. Sound Detector Library for Proteus V2.0 - The Engineering Projects
But I cannot find something similar related to eagle, unfortunately. If you decide to switch to proteus, you can modify the library to match with SEN-12642 Sound Detector

I’ll consider Proteus since Eagle is going away next year.