NOAA Antenna Calibrations - FACET L-Band

Hi Folks,

Was looking on and I can see that the Facet has a calibration with an ARP of 71.84. I am wondering if there is plans to submit the L-Band Facet as well?

Right now I am running off the sticker value of 69mm, and when using OPUS, I am using the facet antenna profile with an -0.0028m offset, but noting the facet went from 61.4mm to 71.84mm I am guessing there will be a similar change with the L-Band?

Am I thinking/reading this right?



Yep. It’s been in the hands of the NGS for a few months now. I’ll check on it.

Perfect :slight_smile: thanks @sparky - looking fwd to the outcome.

The calibration of the non-L-base Facet was a game-changer for me! Thanks again Sparky for making that happen. Hopefully the L-Band Facet will be calibrated soon.

Of course! We’ve got a couple in the works but the NGS seems to be badly backed up at the moment. Four months so far.

Hi @sparky - just looping back on this one to see if there might have been any update on this?

After 17 months of asking nicely (it’s a free service after all!) the SPK6618H finally completed certification. They say the Facet L-Bands should be within the next week or two.

Was just looking for this today. Good to know it’s coming soon.

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