Noise immunity in a hall effect sensor

Hi All,

I am designing an interface board for LEM LV 25-P and LEM LAH-25NP voltage and current sensors. The signal is the output current of sensors and I am putting a burden resistor close to the signal conditioning circuit.

My questions is, which of the design schematics shown in the attached picture leads to a better noise immunity?

My thought is (B) should be better because the current won’t pollute the ground plane as much as (A), but I am not sure.

Your comments are appreciated!



All other things being equal, I’m going to guess B, but that’s just a guess, based on what I found here … sor/153912 and here … or_is_emi/

Thank you very much for your reply. Your references indeed gave me quite useful information. I will most likely go with option B, as you suggested.