Nothing on XLR output of SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED Shield plugged into SparkFun ESP32 TP


We bought a SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED Shield in the hopes of outputting a DMX signal to the XLR output.

We followed the hookup guide, and bought another Shield with the corresponding Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus to go with it after we couldn’t get it to work with a ESP32-WROOM 32U. We’re running the example code provided with the SparkfunDMX library, Example 1 -DMX Output. It compiles and the serial monitor prints as expected but … nothing comes out on the XLR.

There is data on PIN17, but it’s like it doesn’t get to the XLR. We tried adding a resistor to the ‘term’, same result.

We saw in previous versions of the library there was an initWrite() to enable XLR output but this seems gone now and I hope unneeded…

(We have no DMX input and we don’t need all the LED and pokehome stuff, we only want to output DMX from the ESP32 through the XLR.)

Please help :frowning:

Hey, I am having the same issue here! Could someone help fix this? :slight_smile:

Im having the same issue, anyone knows how to fix this?

This is being further discussed here: I can't get DMX output with the ESP32 DMX to LED shield