SparkFun DMX Shield Library with SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32-S2 WROOM


I recently purchased the SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32-S2 WROOM assuming it was compatible with the SparkFun DMX Shield. I’ve noticed that there a different pin assignment on the ESP32-S2 board vs ESP32 Thing Plus.

So attempted to make changes to SparkFunDMX.cpp to the following:

int enablePin = 3;
int rxPin = 33;
int txPin = 34;

As well as… ```
HardwareSerial DMXSerial(1);

But no luck sending out DMX.

Using the xtensa32s2 toolchain with PlatformIO & VSCode.

With the ESP32 Arduino Core with ESP32-S2 support.

platform = espressif32
platform_packages =
framework-arduinoespressif32@GitHub - espressif/arduino-esp32: Arduino core for the ESP32
board = esp32dev
monitor_speed = 115200
board_build.mcu = esp32s2
board_build.variant = esp32s2thing_plus
framework = arduino
lib_deps =
sparkfun/SparkFun DMX Shield Library@^1.0.5

Wondering if there is an update for the SparkFun DMX library for the SparkFun Thing Plus ESP32-S2?

There seems to be more changes necessary than pin assignment?



Unfortunately, I’m not sure if the S2 is compatible with that shield and the engineer who wrote the DMX library has since left SparkFun. I am not sure when someone will get a chance to look at the library. If you file an issue in the library about the S2 support and any tests you have tried, it would help the engineers out with a place to start:

Without digging into the datasheets and board definitions… maybe you could also try to match the correct pins from the ESP32-S2 board to the slots on the shield with jumper wires (instead of reassigning pins that might not have the required functionality). I remember there only being like 8-10 pin connections that were actually used.