Using other Thing Plus Boards w/ SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED Shield

What prevents the SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED Shield from being used with non-ESP32 Thing Pluses (ie SAMD51 or Artemis)?

I get the following error when compiling the Example 1 DMXOutput code with AMD51 and with Artemis Thing Pluses

error: no matching function for call to ‘HardwareSerial::HardwareSerial(int)’

HardwareSerial DMXSerial(2);


Given the ESP32 capabilities the library for serial connections are build around HardwareSerial. So is ‘Serial’ defined as HardwareSerial(0), Serial1 as HardwareSerial(1). The RX/TX pins for serial connection can be assigned to nearly any pin.

I had look at the library to see whether it would be as easy as define DMXSerial as Serial2 but it requires more changes on a couple of places:

DMXSerial.begin(DMXSPEED, DMXFORMAT, rxPin, txPin)



I use an ESP32 Thing Plus board and a DMX shield.

I tried to read the input from a DMX table but without success.

I used the arduino library but got this first error : U2TXD_OUT_IDX not defined.

So I replaced the variable in the code by this : U0TXD_OUT_IDX. The code uploaded well.

Nevertheless, when I try to read a channel the value is always 0.

Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?

Thank you in advance.
