nRF24L01+ and arduino

Hi all

First iam a noob in this arduino business

I will order it for a project we have

The project that I want one board to broadcast a signal for all time, then when a another board comes in range it receives this signal

So can I use nRF24L01+ to implement such function? And how to do it

Also I want the sending & receiving process to be as fast as possible because the other board will be passing the sending board

“Consider it like a check point for car racing”

Thanks in advance

Ps: sorry for poor English

You might be able to find nRF24L01+ code for the Arduino. If not, you will have to write your own. I did that for a PIC application, based on some Sparkfun code.

if its about the code no problem we can manage it , but what iam afraid is about the hardware

can this transiver do what i want ?

thank you so much for your reply

Range depends on the antennas, of course. If you use omni-directional antennas you should be able to do what you want.

Hi mahzero, i would know if you have the code for the nRF24L01 (tmb soy malo para el ingles :P)