
I have a wireless project I am working on and cant decide what to do. Here is a brief description of my project:

I am trying to send video wireless at highest data rate possible only one 1-5m away. The data is being compressed through a JPEG 2k video decoder on the TX end and and uncompressed by the same J2k on the RX end. We will try to send in real time with less than 30 ms of latency. My part is on the 24LU1. Note device is on running on lithium ion batteries.

My question is:

  1. Which pins will the data be coming in on and the data recieved be on?

  2. I can program through the USB port correct?

  3. Can I permanently set each chip as a RX and TX, or will I have to set these at each startup.

  4. I want to use the uC from the Adv212. Can I control what is being sent through to the addresses and being transmitted on the same line of data or is that another pin.

  5. Still confused for this desing whether is better to use the 24LU1 or the 24L01 based on the question 4.

I have so many question and hoping someone can help me out.