nRF2401 MCU choice?


I am designing the wireless network based on the nRF2401/-A transceiver.

I have no experience with these device so I have few questions about MCU selection.

Is this device supported by all embedded MCUs with the UART module?

I like to use PICs for my design. Is there a advisable PIC to go with this transceiver? 16 pin would be sufficient.

I’l take an advice for better choice of MCU too.

Also, any examples of how to interface nRF2401A with the MCU?

thanks for your replay


USART is not required for nRF2401, just 4 output pins and 1 input pin at controller

you should use whatever MCU is good for you :wink:

look at example code available on this site

Oops! :frowning:

Sorry, I’m new in this, so I feel bit confused.

What input do I use for DATA in/out on the MCU.

Meaning, where does the MCU spits out the stream to the nRF2401, and where it receives it back from the nRF2401, if RX/TX pins are not utilized.


thanks for the replay,

most controllers have general I/O ports

it is just a pin that can be input or output depending on configuration

you can even swtich between I/O operations on fly

most of general I/O pins on MCU are universal usage, but there are exceptions.

if you are talking about TRW-2.4G module it requires 5 pins from MCU side:

3 outputs, 1 input and 1 I/O (data pin)

when data sent to radio module DATA pin works as output

when radio module send something back to MCU it must be input

if you are talking about SMIRF module it DOES use USART interface and all low-level communications with radio done in on-board controller

By the way, if you not done this yet - I suggest you to learn some very basic things with controller usage and programming (lighting LEDs, working with buttons etc) before you try something serious. I mean radio module interfacing, communication protocols and data processing is quite advanced topic!

Thx zman,

it makes sense now!

I been working with MCU for quite some time now, but this is the first time to utilize IC to IC interface, so I wanted to be sure that I am picking the right components before starting anything.

Those answeres were very helpfull.

Thx again!
