nRF24AP1 as transmitter and the USB ANT Stick as a receiver

Hi, I´m a brazilian student, so since now forgive me for the english mistakes.

I´m trying to make a wireless connection between the nRF24AP1 and the USB ANT Stick. Like the example at the site, i´m using the ATMega168 MCU to comunicate with the nRF24AP1. I´m using the STK500 kit from AVR, some LED´s show me that the USART0 from the MCU is really sending data to the nRF24AP1, but seems that not happend on the USB ANT Stick =/

I´m connecting the MCU and the nRF24AP1 like this:

  • PD0/RXD (MCU) <=> TX (nRF24AP1)

  • PD1/TXD (MCU) <=> RX (nRF24AP1)

  • PB4/MISO (MCU) <=> RTS (nRF24AP1)

And putting 3V at Vdd. Are these connections right ??

And at the reception, do I need to do something else than just connect the USB ANT Stick and install its FTDI drivers ??? Because i just want to receive the data at the pc … and the USB ANT Stick has some pins too, like 3.3, gnd, tx and rx, but i´m letting them empty … is this alright ??

Hey folks, i´m really needing your help … could anybody post me a reply saying something, or someone who used these devices, please tell me what you did … =/

Best regards,
