
Hello, complete newbie to Sparkfun products. I am trying to build a RTK survey kit and have purchased a ZED-F9P board to generate data, which I hope to link to an NTRIP service for correction.

I want to create a bluetooth link to my mobile phone to transfer the data, and have purchased a nRF52840 development board which I thought I could use as the bluetooth link.

The nRF52840 does not show as a bluetooth device after powering up, and I am completely lost as to how to configure it, and now not sure if it is the correct kit to even attempt to use.

Having looked at the hook up guide it seems to be far too advanced for my needs.

Any guidance would be welcome, but I am thinking a less ambitious board may be the answer.

Many thanks Gary

nRF52840 development board

Which one?

Assuming you have a board with built in antenna and other required parts, the place to start is with one of the Bluetooth library examples.