ZED-F9P as rover + NRF52840 using RTCM for correction data


I just bought a Sparkfun ZED-F9P board (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16481) to use as a Rover and I want to feed it with correction data from the Lefebure NTRIP Android app, using the SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini - Bluetooth Development Board (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15025). I believe I need the bluetooth board to behave exactly like a Sparkfun Bluetooth Mate (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12576), but I’m having trouble programming it like so. I have been able to succesfully run the “Peripheral BLEUart Example” from the Adafruit repository (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_nR … leuart.ino), and use the Bluefruit Connect app from Adafruit to send text back and forth between my computer and smartphone. But using the example code I’m not able to use the Android Bluetooth Settings Menu to connect to the Bluetooth board (I’m only able to pair with it, when I click on it again to connect, nothing happens) and NTRIP also cannot connect to the paired board. What should I do to get it working?

Ps.: Right now I’m trying to use the standard Rx Tx pins to output the data, but in the future I would like to use the Qwiic port between the two boards if possible.

Thanks in advance