NS73M issues

I’m currently using an NS73M controlled by an Arduino Duemilanove. I have a very similar setup to Mike Yancey’s as seen here:


The main difference is I’m using the 3.3V pin on the Arduino instead of a seperate voltage regulator.

The NS73M is acting very strange. Some of the time it will setup just fine and start broadcasting on the frequency I tell it to. Other times it doesn’t broadcast anything. The strangest issue is after it successfully begins broadcasting, out of nowhere (and I do mean nowhere… nothing moves, no one breathes, literally nothing observable changes) the NS73M will cease broadcasting. The only usual way I can rectify the issue at this point is to power down the whole thing and wait about 30 seconds and plug it back in. Every once in a while a reset will do it but I’d say 9/10 times it will do nothing. A quick power off/on also usually does nothing.

Here is the code I am using (credit for this goes to Mike Yancey as well but in order to save scrolling space I removed the pieces that I commented out that I’m not using while trouble shooting):

#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#define topFM  107900000            // Top of the FM Dial Range in USA
#define botFM   87500000            // Bottom of the FM Dial Range in USA
#define incrFM    200000            // FM Channel Increment in USA
// define incrFM   100000           // FM Channel Increment - certain countries.
// define incrFM    50000           // FM Channel Increment - certain countries...

long frequency = 97300000;          // the default initial frequency in Hz
long newFrequency = 0;
boolean gOnAir = false;             // Initially, NOT On The Air...

// Define the LCD
#define rs 12
#define rw 11                       // Indicate RW tied to 0.0 volts / WRITE ONLY
#define enable  10
#define d0  4
#define d1  5
#define d2  6
#define d3  7

LiquidCrystal lcd( rs, rw, enable, d0, d1, d2, d3 );

void setup() {
  //Serial.begin(9600);                 //for debugging
  // Attempt to read the last saved frequency from EEPROM
  newFrequency = loadFrequency();

  // Test if outside our FM Range...
  if ( newFrequency < botFM || newFrequency > topFM ) {
    // Sorry - haven't saved before - use the default.
    frequency = 97300000;
  else {
    // We have a valid frequency!
    frequency = newFrequency;
  // Startup the LCD...
  lcd.begin( 16, 2 );
  lcd.setCursor( 0, 0 ); 
  lcd.print( "FM Stereo");

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print( "Broadcas");
  lcd.print( "ter...");
  frequency = 95100000;

  displayFrequency( frequency);

  Wire.begin();                       // join i2c bus as master

  transmitter_setup( frequency );
  transmitter_standby( frequency );

   set_freq( frequency );
   saveFrequency( frequency );    

void loop() {


void transmitter_setup( long initFrequency )
  i2c_send(0x0E, B00000101); //Software reset

  i2c_send(0x01, B10110100); //Register 1: forced subcarrier, pilot tone on
  i2c_send(0x02, B00000011); //Register 2: Unlock detect off, 2mW Tx Power

  set_freq( initFrequency);

  i2c_send(0x00, B10100001); //Register 0: 200mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power on
  //i2c_send(0x00, B00100001); //Register 0: 100mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power on
  i2c_send(0x0E, B00000101); //Software reset
  i2c_send(0x06, B00011110); //Register 6: charge pumps at 320uA and 80 uA

void transmitter_standby( long aFrequency )
  i2c_send(0x00, B10100000); //Register 0: 200mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power OFF
  //i2c_send(0x00, B00100000); //Register 0: 100mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power OFF
  displayFrequency( aFrequency );
  gOnAir = false;

void set_freq( long aFrequency )
  int new_frequency;

  // New Range Checking... Implement the (experimentally determined) VFO bands:
  if (aFrequency < 88500000) {                       // Band 3
    i2c_send(0x08, B00011011);
    //Serial.println("Band 3");
  else if (aFrequency < 97900000) {                 // Band 2
    i2c_send(0x08, B00011010);
    //Serial.println("Band 2");
  else if (aFrequency < 103000000) {                  // Band 1 
    i2c_send(0x08, B00011001);
    //Serial.println("Band 1");
  else {
    // Must be OVER 103.000.000,                    // Band 0
    i2c_send(0x08, B00011000);
    //Serial.println("Band 0");

  new_frequency = (aFrequency + 304000) / 8192;
  byte reg3 = new_frequency & 255;                  //extract low byte of frequency register
  byte reg4 = new_frequency >> 8;                   //extract high byte of frequency register
  i2c_send(0x03, reg3);                             //send low byte
  i2c_send(0x04, reg4);                             //send high byte
  // Retain old 'band set' code for reference....  
  // if (new_frequency <= 93100000) { i2c_send(0x08, B00011011); }
  // if (new_frequency <= 96900000) { i2c_send(0x08, ); }
  // if (new_frequency <= 99100000) { i2c_send(0x08, B00011001); }
  // if (new_frequency >  99100000) { i2c_send(0x08, B00011000); }
  i2c_send(0x0E, B00000101);                        //software reset  

  //Serial.print("Frequency changed to ");
  //Serial.println(aFrequency, DEC);

  i2c_send(0x00, B10100001); //Register 0: 200mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power ON
  //i2c_send(0x00, B00100001); //Register 0: 100mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power ON
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print( " On Air ");
  gOnAir = true;

void i2c_send(byte reg, byte data)
    Wire.beginTransmission(B1100111);               // transmit to device 1100111
    Wire.send(reg);                                 // sends register address
    Wire.send(data);                                // sends register data
    Wire.endTransmission();                         // stop transmitting
    delay(5);                                       // allow register to set

void saveFrequency ( long aFrequency ) 
  long memFrequency = 0;                   // For use in Read / Write to EEProm

  //Serial.print( "Saving: " );
  //Serial.println(aFrequency, DEC);

  memFrequency = aFrequency / 10000;
  EEPROM.write( 0, memFrequency / 256);   // right-most byte
  EEPROM.write( 1, memFrequency - (memFrequency / 256) * 256 );   // next to right-most byte

long loadFrequency ()
  long memFrequency = 0;                   // For use in Read / Write to EEProm

  memFrequency = EEPROM.read(0) * 256 + EEPROM.read(1);
  memFrequency *= 10000;

  //Serial.print("Retrieving: " );
  //Serial.println(memFrequency, DEC);
  return  memFrequency;

void displayFrequency( long aFrequency)
  long memFrequency = 0;
  int  aDigit = 0;
  // LCD Display template: "108.1Mhz" --> 8 characters  
  memFrequency = aFrequency / 100000;       // Gets us down to 9999 digits (where 1011 ---> 101.1
  // Write to the LCD
  if (memFrequency < 1000) {
    lcd.write( ' ' );          // pad left for 99.9
  lcd.print( memFrequency / 10 );
  lcd.write( '.' );
  lcd.print( memFrequency % 10 );
  lcd.print( "Mhz" );
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print( " Standby");

As you can see I’ve hard coded it to transmit on 95.1 (a void frequency where I live). I don’t understand what could be causing it to suddenly act the way it is. Any ideas?](Imgur: The magic of the Internet)

Thanks to Mike for helping me reach the following conclusion and solution to my problems. Local RF interference was causing chaos. I added a 47uF and a 0.001uF capacitor to the 3.3V and GND pins on the NS73M itself to stabilize the power and try to cut down on interference there. That allowed my to consistently get the NS73M to respond to the reset button (i.e. it would immediately start rebroadcasting when I hit reset which it wouldn’t before). However, I was stilling having issues with it randomly ceasing to broadcast. Again, this was caused by the proximity I had the device to my computer desk. I have my computer, two sub-woofers, a battery backup, TV, and the wireless router all in very close proximity. The final tip off was when I heard my backup battery “click in” when it detected a power fluctuation and I luckily had a radio on and heard the radio station go off the air. I moved the entire assembly to another room and have had absolutely no issues since.