I was able to get the NS73M FM Transmitter working with the Arduino using the following code. I’ll add a schematic to this soon.
Cai Maver, caimaver(at)yahoo.com
ARRRduino+NS73M v0.3
This code allows an Arduino Diecimila to control an NS73M FM Transmitter Module (Arrr matey!)
This sets the NS73M (available from Sparkfun, SKU#: WRL-08482) to transmit
at 2mW with 75us pre-emphasis (the standard for North America) on 97.3 MHz.
Use this formula to determine the register values for a new transmitting frequency (f):
(f + 0.304)/0.008192 <-- use only the whole number and convert the result to
16-bit binary where the lower byte goes in register 3
and the upper byte goes in register 4
ex.: for 97.3 MHz, (97.3 + 0.304)/0.008192 = 11914.55...
11914 = B0010111010001010 so Reg 3=B10001010 and Reg 4=B00101110
A future version of this code will allow for on-the-fly frequency changes
Thanks to Nathan Seidle at Sparkfun and Jim "ZAPNSPARK" G. for sharing their NS73M code!
int CK = 12; //clock pin
int DA = 11; //data pin
int LA = 10; //latch pin
void setup(){
Serial.begin(9600); //begin Serial connection for debugging
pinMode(CK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LA, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LA, LOW); //unlatch transmitter
delay(100); //Wait for VDD to settle
spi_send(0x0E, B00000101); //Software reset
spi_send(0x01, B10110100); //Register 1: forced subcarrier, pilot tone on
spi_send(0x02, B00000011); //Register 2: Unlock detect off, 2mW Tx Power
spi_send(0x03, B10001010); //Register 3: Set broadcast freq to 97.3, lower byte
spi_send(0x04, B00101110); //Register 4: Set broadcast freq to 97.3, upper byte
spi_send(0x08, B00011010); //Register 8: set Osc on band 2
spi_send(0x00, B10100001); //Register 0: 200mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power on
spi_send(0x0E, B00000101); //Software reset
spi_send(0x06, B00011110); //Register 6: charge pumps at 320uA and 80 uA
Serial.print("Transmitting"); //for debugging
void loop(){
void spi_send(byte reg, byte data) //routine to send Register Address and Data as LSB-first SPI
int x;
int n;
digitalWrite(LA, LOW);
for(x = 0 ; x < 4 ; x++) //send four-bit register address
digitalWrite(CK, LOW); //Toggle the SPI clock
n = (reg >> x) & 1; //n is the xth bit of the register byte
if (n == 1){
digitalWrite(DA, HIGH); //Put high bit on SPI data bus
else {
digitalWrite(DA, LOW); //Put low bit on SPI data bus
Serial.print(n); //send bit to serial connection for debugging
digitalWrite(CK, HIGH); //Toggle the SPI clock
for(x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++) //send eight-bit register data
digitalWrite(CK, LOW); //Toggle the SPI clock
n = (data >> x) & 1;
if (n == 1){
digitalWrite(DA, HIGH); //Put high bit on SPI data bus
else {
digitalWrite(DA, LOW); //Put low bit on SPI data bus
Serial.print(n); //send bit to serial connection for debugging
digitalWrite(CK, HIGH); //Toggle the SPI clock
delayMicroseconds(1); //might not be needed, supposedly unstable command anyway
digitalWrite(LA, HIGH); //Latch this transfer
digitalWrite(LA, LOW);
digitalWrite(CK, LOW); //This is to keep CK pin at 0V at end of data transfer
Serial.print("\n"); // send new-line to serial for debugging
I’ll try to update this soon to be able to select new broadcast frequencies on the fly. This is my first real Arduino project so any suggestions on making the code better would be appreciated.