Difficulty with Arduino/FM Transmitter

Hey guys I’m quite new to electronics and seem to be having some issue with my arduino talking to my [sparkfun fm transmitter. The code running on the arduino seems to be fine so I’m wondering if I did something silly on the breadboard as the transmitter does not seem to be transmitting at all :(.

Here’s the circuit diagram and some pictures of the breadboard.


http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2349/174 … efdbe8.jpg

[Based off this thread here.](Interfacing NS73M FM Transmitter Module - Interfacing - Arduino Forum)](Electronics - Album on Imgur)](FM Radio Transmitter Breakout- NS73M - WRL-08482 - SparkFun Electronics)

How are you detecting the RF output ? Is there any chance that a slight tuning error is the reason you hear nothing on the receiver ?

If I look into the datasheet of the NS73M then I see that the IIC pin (#7 on the breakout) needs to be connected to GND to make it communicate in SPI, and Vdd (3.3V) for I2C. Yours is unconnected, as the pin header seems to be too short. The OP of the thread you linked at the end does say it needs this connection (via some GPIO pin), but was omitted from the picture.

Since left and right audio in is also part of the missing three pins (quite important inputs for a transmitter) I wonder why you chose to do this. Transmitting signals of floating inputs is usually not the right thing to do.