Object Following Demo

I would like to try out the object following demo, could you provide a new image or at least a step by step tutorial guiding through the software installation process starting from a fresh JetPack 4.2.1 / 4.4.2 Image.

Unfortunately, not at this time. Currently, the engine for the example was built with the previous version of TensorRT, used in the original image that was released by Nvidia.

We used an updated image with our kits and we haven’t been able to find to get the original image. Nvidia did mention that they are looking to update the engine in this [GitHub issue I posted and they linked a tutorial on building a new engine, but I am currently stuck trying to re-build it.

If you are pretty savvy with Linux, take a gander at the issue and let me know if you get any further that me.](TensorRT version issue w/ Object Following · Issue #126 · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetbot · GitHub)