Hi. Everyone.

I like to use a imu on a tractor. you know many cables many iron.

so when using a imu with magnetometer i have many troubles. still when i calibrate it.

i like to use the imu together with a gps system.

i need very stable roll values (many vibrations on the tractor).

i need a yaw. i can be a relative angle because i know north from my gps and we are using the imu yaw only to

stablilize the heading from the gps unit (f9p with rtk) - or get the direction change from the imu more quickly then gps.

one option is to use bno8x in game vector mode. problem is bno8x is hard to get at the moment.

are there any other suggestions for imu for my use case.

many thanks in advance


Try mounting the magnetometer on a pole a couple of meters above the tractor with magnetometer Z vertical.

To calibrate the setup, drive the tractor in a circle, while measuring the X, Y values of the magnetic field, then calculate and subtract the offsets in the usual way.

heading = (180.0/PI)*atan2(y,x); //x and y offsets removed.

This works for large ships at sea, so you CAN make it work for your tractor.

sorry that is no solution for me…


Navigate by the stars at night, the sun by day or RTK GPS, as done on modern farms.

You do not need the mag for yaw! What you need to do is figure out how to use AHRS lib or module. You also might want to look in to a filter also. The AHRS algorithms convert the acc and gyro (and sometimes mag) values into roll pitch and yaw.

This is an area I am still learning about.
