I’m working on a Sam7x256-ek board with a FreeRtos-based application.
I use the olimex ARM-USB-OCD to debug it and this version of yagarto tools:
When I program flash on my device I receive these messages from console and the LED on the olimex jtag interface start to blink green/orange:
Open On-Chip Debugger (2008-05-16 20:15) svn: 657
URL: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/trunk
Info: options.c:50 configuration_output_handler(): jtag_speed: 2, 2
Info: options.c:50 configuration_output_handler(): Open On-Chip Debugger (2008-05-16 20:15) svn: 657
Info: jtag.c:1376 jtag_examine_chain(): JTAG device found: 0x3f0f0f0f (Manufacturer: 0x787, Part: 0xf0f0, Version: 0x3)
Info: jtag.c:1376 jtag_examine_chain(): JTAG device found: 0x3f0f0f0f (Manufacturer: 0x787, Part: 0xf0f0, Version: 0x3)
Info: target.c:237 target_init_handler(): executing reset script ‘sam7flash.script’
Info: options.c:50 configuration_output_handler(): force hardware breakpoints enabled
Info: options.c:50 configuration_output_handler(): dcc downloads are enabled
Info: options.c:50 configuration_output_handler(): core state: ARM
Info: options.c:50 configuration_output_handler(): flash ‘at91sam7’ found at 0x00100000
Info: server.c:78 add_connection(): accepting ‘gdb’ connection from 0
Warning: gdb_server.c:416 gdb_get_packet_inner(): acknowledgment received, but no packet pending
User: target.c:1817 handle_soft_reset_halt_command(): requesting target halt and executing a soft reset
User: gdb_server.c:574 gdb_output(): force hardware breakpoints enabled
After that I can’t start GDB.
Please, there ise someone which can help me to solve this problem ?
Thank you in advance
Luciano Neri