When I am loading RTOS TCP/IP demo form olimex.com, LCD blinks and network connection is problem. Cable is just plug and after unplug and so. I tried with few cables but same. May be I need to put jjumper on PHY_PD
When I am loading RTOS TCP/IP demo form olimex.com, LCD blinks and network connection is problem. Cable is just plug and after unplug and so. I tried with few cables but same. May be I need to put jjumper on PHY_PD
Hi,When I am loading RTOS TCP/IP demo form olimex.com, LCD blinks and network connection is problem. Cable is just plug and after unplug and so. I tried with few cables but same. May be I need to put jjumper on PHY_PD
Hello! Any success getting the lwIP demo running? I have the same problem as you. Please let me know how did you solve the problem.