Heh. Well, got a little further, but seem to have dug myself in a deeper hole. Got to the point where I wanted to hook up a 16mhz crystal to the atmega168, so my pretty light would blink faster. To do that, of course, I needed to set fusebits… and I guess I set them wrong.
The fuse bytes the ic came set with were :
default lfuse : 0x62 01100010
default hfuse : 0xdf 11011111
I thought that for a 16mhz crystal, I needed to set CKSEL3…1 to 111 - but now I suspect that’s wrong - I think I wanted ‘full swing crystal oscillator’ - so 011… and thus I needed to set cksel0 and sut1…0 as well. I think what I want for lfuse is : 01110111
In any case, I set the lfuse wrong and :
I can no longer talk to the darn thing, so I suspect I am toast. Any way to get it back talking to me - assuming I have no other ICs or anything at all interesting? I am using the stk200 from Sparkfun
Is the above what I actually wanted?