Sparkfun Tutorial 3 with ATMega168 - Solution

Hi, all. I had trouble with the Tutorial 3 using the ATMega168 (the tutorial assumes the ATMega8) and figured others might have too, so I figured I’d post my results and solutions. First of all :

The fuse bytes the ic came set with were :

default lfuse : 0x62 01100010

default hfuse : 0xdf 11011111

You want ‘full swing crystal oscillator’ - so 011… and thus I needed to set cksel0 and sut1…0 as well. Thus, the new lfuse is : 01110111 (0x77) and you don’t have to touch hfuse at all.

I had some hardware problems (bad cap, I think) that once I replaced caused things to work with the above lfuse/hfuse settings. I once again have a pretty blinky light and am going on to the next lesson

Hope this helps!