Hi All,
I’m using Slackware, and I’m trying to connect JTAG to my usbScarab (not very popular jtag). So I’ve downloaded OpenOCD 0.4.0 and installed, all went well. Also downloaded libftdi-0.17 - all good. I was getting “device not found” and found on the google that this is udev permission problem for user. So I’ve added rule so that device is now in devplug group when connected (just like my user). Now I’m getting Error: unable to open ftdi device: unable to fetch product description
Command handler execution failed. I’m testing JTAG with openocd command from directory where my openocd.cfg file is:
interface ft2232
ft2232_device_desc "UsbScarab"
ft2232_layout olimex-jtag
ft2232_vid_pid 0x0403 0xbbe0
vid and pid are ok, I’ve checked that few times, layout is set to olimex-jtag because I was able to get my jtag interface up and running in suse11.0 with this setting. Is there anything else I need (I guess there is since it does not work).
Appreciate any help.