Hello I just have a quick question about how the OLA’s IMU (ICM-20948) collects accelerometer data. I have been using the OLA to collect magnetometer data and accelerometer data, however I am not sure how to convert the data on the accelerometer to Gs or m/s2. How would I go about converting ax ay and az to m/s2? The scale is set ±16g with an acel sensitivity of 2048 LSB/g. However trying to use this conversion factor doesn’t make sense as the sensor is resting, the z axis would be reading at about -.5g. The OLA was running face up and level with the ground when measuring. Any and all help is appreciated, attached is the data I referenced:
UnevenCobble3.csv (76.7 KB)
Hi there,
The OLA logs accelerometer data in milli-g. You shouldn’t need to worry about the full scale. The code takes care of that for you.
To make sure, rotate the OLA slowly around all three axes. You should see values in the range +/- 1000?