open source Piconomic FW Library; ARM support

Announcement of open source library:

Home page:

File release: … p_id=10550

Home page summary:

This is a collection of firmware and documentation for 8-bit and 16/32-bit microcontrollers.

The aim is to:

  • Share source code, knowledge and expertise between the community of engineers, scientists and enthusiasts.

  • Provide quick start guides and tutorials to shorten the learning curve of new microcontrollers.

  • Provide Board Support Packages (BSPs) for rapid code development.

  • Create unified peripheral driver APIs so that code can be re-used on different microcontrollers.

  • Recommend good firmware development practices.

Supported microcontrollers:

  • Atmel AVR

  • Atmel SAM (ARM7TDMI and ARM926EJ-S)

  • ST STR91x (ARM966E-S)

Quick start guides (with tutorials):

  • Atmel AVR


This library started as an attempt to share and teach, but creating and maintaining embedded firmware is not part of my job description as an electronic hardware engineer and my free time is limited. My vision is to plant the seed and for one or more embedded firmware experts to take over the project and steer it for the good of the community.

Wish list:

  • Unified initialisation code and linker scripts for ARM7/9 and Cortex microcontrollers

  • Support for more microcontrollers: MSP430, Cortex-M3, …

Best regards,

Pieter Conradie

Please refresh your browser cache, as the old HTML pages did not have expiry meta tags.

Piconomic Firmware Library release 0.2.0 now includes:

  • Atmel AT91SAM quick start guide

  • AT91 Tutorials and example

  • ARM Makefile template

  • AT91 Linker scripts

Feedback please?

Best regards,


Please contact me at :

I could send you a JTAGkey sample for helping your job on JTAG Programming and debugging with OpenOCD.


Hi Laurent and everyone else,

I have finished the Atmel AT91SAM quick start guide. The sections are:


  • Introduction

  • C Run time initialisation (arm_crt0.S)

NEW * IRQ Handler (arm_irq.S)

  • Linker scripts

MOD * Makefile

  • Extended assembly listing file

  • The Red Hat newlib C Library

NEW * JTAG Programming and debugging with OpenOCD

NEW * OpenOCD Trouble shooting guide


  • /01_Assembler_Basic

  • /01_Assembler_Advanced

  • /03_C_board_init


  • /led_blink

Let me know what you think of it.

Best regards,


The library has been updated and revised. 0.3.0 has been released and it is now hosted at:

Share and enjoy!
