OpenLog Artemis not keeping time

Is there a way to get this board to remember the time across reboots? I have had the device for a couple of weeks now and I have to manually set the time very often. I have not yet determined when that is necessary. Perhaps when I hit the reset button? I have to hit the reset button occasionally which may be another issue. I attempted to get help but I think I may be using the forum incorrectly. I probably should have posted that in this section.


Right now this board is a useless disappointment to me. It has a lot of potential but without it reliably logging data and keeping time, I might as well use other less expensive yet mature components.

Hello cjlyth,

Apologies for the very slow reply.

This is just a quick note to let you know that we are investigating the issues you have been having.

The next version of the OLA will include a Reset pad so you will be able to connect a remote reset switch - should you need to.

But we will be investigating your RTC and logging issues too.

Thank you for your patience,
