Openlog Artemis used for Black box data collection for INAV drone.


I’m trying to use the Openlog Artemis for logging black box data on a drone using INAV. I know this may be a long shot but any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.

Using the serial logging of the OLA, its RX is attached to the TX of one of the UARTs on the drone’s flight controller for logging flight data, the OLA collects the expected header information without issue but the rest of the data appears to be in a different format or a different language I’m not sure. Does anyone know of another way to record seral data or how to change the language/formatting to the data the OLA collects?

I have attached the smallest sets of data that i have, as everything else is over 100KB, showing that it is indeed collecting but it might not be helpful without seeing the logs that are working…well mostly working anyway. Is there a way to get the rest of the data to you/available here?

On the INAV Github I created a ticket with all the data that I have recorded along with the story leading me to use the OLA ( but there hasn’t been any feed back from them in some time now. In that data I have some logs that have good data past the headers for a small amount of time before becoming corrupt or it stops recording or something happens resulting in bad data collection, I’m not sure, its what lead me to the OLA in the first place. More back story is available on the Github.

Again any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Data0006_Baud57600_BBR_1over32_Looptime125.TXT (85.3 KB)

Data0004_Baud57600_BBR_1over8_Looptime125.TXT (77.1 KB)

Hi Kevin,

Just adding a link to your issue on the OLA GitHub repo, so folks can cross-reference if needed:

Best wishes,
