In the hookup instructions for Openlog, your part Lithium Ion Battery [PRT-13813] is recommended - I get an error message clicking on the link.
What battery from your range is now recommended ?
In the hookup instructions for Openlog, your part Lithium Ion Battery [PRT-13813] is recommended - I get an error message clicking on the link.
What battery from your range is now recommended ?
That part number is for a 1000mAh LiPo cell with a JST connector. The Sparkfun site is kind of a mess right now, but Digikey and Mouser show that the part is obsolete. The closest I could fine on the Sparkfun site is a 1250mAh cell available here.
Hey ! REALLY appreciate the fast help ! I’ll get my kit of parts ordered now.
Many thanks
If I wanted to use a lithium primary battery to power the Openlog via the JST connector through a linear regulator, is there a way to disable the charging circuit?
Looking at the schematic, Could you pull U2, and eliminate the charger, but leave the blocking diode D1 ?
^Like they said, although there could be 2 things to watch out for:
There will be no overcurrent or undervoltage protection from the battery - If the MCP73831 also provides protection functions removing it could lead to uncontrolled discharge
Power Pathing - If the circuit relies on the MCP73831 to manage when to switch between external power and battery, removing it can cause unexpected behavior when plugging/unplugging power sources
There is a blocking diode, and, IIRC, the board is really all driven by 3.3 v from the regulator which should act as a protection device
Agreed; I’m just referring to potential downstream digital functions and that while a blocking diode prevents reverse pixies it won’t keep a battery from trying to cook itself by draining under 3.2v
But it should mostly be fine? The main thing is there isn’t something to tell the artemis when the battery gets too low, so it may be wise to be careful/account for this