I’m trying to use OpenOCD + gdb from Eclipse to program and debug my eval board LM3S6965 and my own board though the JTAG connector. I’m running Windows 7 64 bit. I forced Windows to use the provided libusb-win32_ft2232_driver-101028 driver for both channel A end B (after some tweaks to the inf file) for Stellaris evaluation board.
I downloaded the latest version of OpenOCD for 64 bit and I call it in this way:
openocd-x64-0.5.0-dev-101028090816.exe -f board/ek-lm3s6965.cfg
I get this output:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.5.0-dev (2010-10-28-22:44)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'jtag'
500 kHz
Can't find mem_helper.tcl
in procedure 'find' called at file "target/stellaris.cfg", line 62
called at file "board/ek-lm3s6965.cfg", line 14
called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 57
in procedure 'script'
In fact, I can’t find that file either.
So, where is my mistake?
EDIT: I’ve just tried with the previous 0.4.0 version and now OpenOCD connects to the target.
Now I experience problems with gdb that connects to localhost:3333 from command line but not if launched from eclipse. But it’s another story
By the way, it seems I can’t run LM Flash Programmer anymore (after the driver update). There’s a way to run both?