hello Dominic / Michael,
i had changed my target board and arm-usb-ocd device too. and fortunately this i succeeded in establishing the communication between the target and the JTAG interface.
target board is “olimex SAM7-Pxxx” having AT91SAM7s256 processor core.
JTAG device - arm-usb-ocd / IDE-Eclipse / compiler- GNUARM
config. file is “sam7-armusbocd.cfg”
script file is “sam7flash.script”
now when i’m trying download the demo_flash… sample code with the help of "Build MAKE " utility following message arrives.
make -k program
“Preparing OpenOCD script…”
“Flash Programming with OpenOCD…”
'C:\GCCFD\openocd-2007re131\bin'openocd-ftd2xx.exe -f 'C:\GCCFD\openocd-2007re131\bin'sam7-armusbocd.cfg
Info: openocd.c:84 main(): Open On-Chip Debugger (2007-01-31 12:00 CET)
Warning: arm7_9_common.c:683 arm7_9_assert_reset(): srst resets test logic, too
Warning: jtag.c:1068 jtag_read_buffer(): value captured during scan didn’t pass the requested check: captured: 0x0f check_value: 0x01 check_mask: 0x0f
Error: ft2232.c:205 ft2232_read(): FT_Read returned: 4
Error: ft2232.c:369 ft2232_send_and_recv(): couldn’t read from FT2232
make: *** [program] Error 255
the script file looks like:
armv4_5 core_state arm
flash probe 0
flash erase 0 0 0
flash protect 0 0 1 off
flash write 0 main.bin 0x0
mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000401
could you help me to get rid of these errors ??
Best Regards,