I try to upload an image to RAM with the help of openOCD. The CPU us an IMX31 with pretty straight forward RAM configuration.
The RAM/DDR/CPU configuration is done (even though not from me) and is supposed to work… which I start to doubt.
My problem currently is this (maybe my expectations are wrong):
I have a bootloader “bin” file that I want to upload:
power up
see the old bootloader start over UART/serial line…
connect/start openOCD, old bootloader still running…
“>halt” to stop exectuion
“>load_image XX.bin 0x8000000 bin” (note: my RAM starts at this address!)
“>reg 15 0x8000000”
Now basically nothing happens
The CPU remains in “supervisor” state, no abort or anything. the PC (register 15) is moved … I checked that.
Usually I would expect the bootloader to initialize my UART and print something to it :-(.
Do I have to use a different image format maybe? I have a set of files available as “sample” files, some of them with very unusual formats (such as “NB0” for example)
Any obvious problems with my approach?