OpenOCD with LM3S8962 on linux

I feel somewhat silly for having to ask this, but I wasn’t sure how to search it and see if it has been asked before. :oops:

I am using fedora 14, LM3S8962 eval-kit from luminary micro … n_kit.html, and eclipse.

I have successfully compiled OpenOCD. I am still having problems getting it to work. I believe my problem is that I am not telling it where my device is (shows up in /dev as /dev/ttyUSB0). I don’t really know how to test this theory.

I am also sure that it is a possibility that I have compiled with the wrong options, when I compiled I used ./configure --enable-dummy --enable-ft2232_libftdi . If these are not the right options please point me in the right direction.

whenever I call the openocd command I have been passing the luminary.cfg file, although I have tried every file that seems remotley related to luminary micro. Nothing, however, has worked for me so far. :cry:

thank you in advance for any help you can provide…


You could probably get more targeted help if you post the console output when you try to run:

openocd -f interface/luminary-icdi.cfg -c init -c scan_chain -c exit

but off the top of my head I’d say check the vid pid of the board (lsusb) as it might be different to the profiles already included. If so make a copy of the luminary-icdi.cfg file and change the vid pid in it and try again.

In terms of compiling I wouldn’t normally use --enable-dummy, I use --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-werror and the ftdi driver commands (I use ftdi drivers not libftdi).

And yeah, nothing silly about asking, openocd can be difficult to get going initially.


I recompiled and ran the command you were suggesting, I received back the response

“Error: unable to open ftdi device”

It then donned on me that I wasn’t running as root and that might be why it wasn’t able to open the ftdi device.

I re-ran the command as root and It then listed the tap name and everything that goes with that.

That got me to a spot I recognize in the instructions, (I’ve just got to enable access when not root so I won’t have to su my openocd command)


Probably a matter of device permissions of /dev/tty.

Run OpenOCD as root to try and if that works you could add a rules file

to the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory, containing something similar to


BUS!=“usb”, ACTION!=“add”, SUBSYSTEM!==“usb_device”, GOTO=“kcontrol_rules_end”

SYSFS{idProduct}==“f432”, SYSFS{idVendor}==“0451”, MODE=“666”

SYSFS{idProduct}==“16a6”, SYSFS{idVendor}==“0451”, MODE=“666”


Don´t miss to replace the vendor and prod ids with yours.

Find them out using lsusb or a similar tool.

This will set device permissions automatically when your dongle is

hot-plugged. Use the udevadm command to check if needed.

Else RTFM the udev dox.

