Has anyone had reliable success with using OPUS to post-process static raw data from the RTK devices?
I’m looking for suggestions from folks that have established a reliable workflow to use OPUS to post-process static data collected with one of the SparkFun RTK devices. (BTW the Facet pair works great in RTK mode!)
I have a couple Facets that I’ve tried to use for static collection, but my success rate with getting OPUS solutions is about 10%. I usually get an abort message from OPUS. I use RTKCONV (demo5_b34g from rtkexplorer) to convert the UBX files to RINEX. I log using the “Logging Default” messages (NMEAx5 + RXMx2)
I’m now butting my head with a couple files that have 4 and 5 hours of collected data, but OPUS rejects them saying there is less than two hours of data.
I don’t seem to have any issues with NR-Canada CSRS-PPP or Australia’s AUSPOS’s service. OPUS has a number of significant advantages for me, as I’m working in the US. It provides output in various US datums, eliminating potential errors I might make in converting datums. Also, the surveyors I work with all use OPUS solutions for our control network, and we want to consistently use OPUS solutions. Solutions from other services are useful as checks, but OPUS is tailored for the US.
I’ve watched the recordings of two NGS-led user forum webinars on using OPUS, and have tried suggestions from there (specifically trimming the first 5-10 minutes out of your log as that early data can be sub-par as the receiver is still settling in.)
Web searches have unearthed blogs suggesting
using the TADJ option in RTKCONV to align the F9P observation times to integer sections (they are often mis-align by a couple microseconds from whole integer seconds) There’s a discussion on the Emlid forums about the Reach and this issue.
converting to different RINEX versions and submitted (2.12 vs. 3.00 vs 3.04).
I’ve tried various permutations of the above suggestions without finding a reliable workflow.
I will say I work in challenging situations. There are trees everywhere where I work. The RTKPLOTs of my data are not pretty. If OPUS aborts on processing my submission because the data is noisy, I accept that. Waiting the leaves to fall off the trees here!
But it usually aborts on with an error message that sounds more like a data integrity or data format issue.
Any thoughts?