I’m posting here for the first time to seek advice on the oscillator part used in the breakout board- https://github.com/sparkfun/AD_Stereo_C … r-PCM1803A
I have designed this board to accept a 4 pad 7mm x 5mm Oscillator (24.576M), and resized the other components, while managing the board form factor.
Could I ask which oscillator from mouser.co.uk would be the best fit? I’m not sure if I should be using an HCMOS or TTL output type? The data sheet does not provide any information.
I have no links with Mouser, but, I need to order some other parts that RS doesn’t have in stock at the moment and postage maybe free if I order my list with Mouser.
I need a small board for Audio ADC to my Raspberry Pi and this one fitted the bill quite nicely.
Thank you for your time and advice.