Overlapping and Drill Issue: SFE_DRC

I have recently attempted to upload the IceTube pcb (from http://www.ladyada.net/make/icetube/) to batchpcb and naturally it failed. I used the sparkfun drc file and some issues popped up; however I have no clue how to fix them, this is my first time using gerber format and eagle cad (used to always use express pcb). Any help would be much obliged.

Fixed the Drill Size error, but the Stop mask and Overlap just approve them, nothing to worry about.

For the Drill size, I used the “Change” button (button with the wrench) and clicked drill>Size and picked the next one bigger.

Hmm, batchpcb’s drc check still doesn’t seem to like it. Any Ideas?

And also do you know any good tutorials on eagle, I suspect IL be using it a lot. (the eagle manual is too large, just want a basic understanding).

I think it’s those overlapping pads. Are you sure you just ignore them?

Well, BatchPCB is picky. Might want to send the files to their reps for fab. Overlaps are bad if their meant for different signals. But on a PCB I a currently designing, I just approved around 300 of them. Some times overlaps are harmless like in your case.

I don’t use BatchPCB just for the that reason. It always fails the DRC check. I use Itead or OSH Park.

Thank you, I will probably go with one of them then.