DRC error

Hi guys, im making my first pcb for batchpcb, and im getting a FAIL status when the DRC bot checks my pcb.

ERROR - tried to parse unterminated GCODE block

exit status: 255

DRC put out 1 lines of logging code

Any hint on who i can fix this error?

I let u the brd in eagle format if someone can help me.

Also a screen:


ty for the help guys u are so awsome :evil:

can anyone help me pls?

There is nothing wrong with your board concerning connectivity. Although you have overlaps on your silkscreen. I would also advise to use a ground plane on both sides of your board. I would also recommend not using the E$ names. Name them something that will tell what they are. Like resistors should be R1, R2, ect… Capacitors are C1, C2, etc… I also hope you put the values in on your schematic. Otherwise you will forget what they are when you actually have your board in your hand.

That error could be a website error. I can tell you that BatchPCB blows. Look through the forum here, you will see a ton of people having problems with that site. If this is your first PCB, use [OSH Park. They are cheap and there quality cannot be beat. When you upload the files, it will show a rendering of your board before you buy.](http://oshpark.com/)