Pad for Coin Battery Negative?

I was adding a coin battery holder to the pcb board and it shows just a square gold pad. It seems it would need something raised a bit or something. a flat design just doesn’t seem like it would contact good. I guess i could add some solder but what is the best way to design this? Thanks

A flat pad is generally fine for this, the negative pin of a coin cell is raised so a good contact should be made.

well mattylad, not the case. I had some boards made and they do not make contact with the battery. You have to remove all the solder mask from around the battery, here is great article for someone that may want to design coin battery properly. … connected/

If you’re using a stencil to solder paste your boards, a square of paste about 2/3rds the size of the square pad will make a nice bump that will connect to the battery. If you’re hand soldering, just a bit of solder on that pad should do the trick.

right, that’s what I said in original post but was told it wasn’t needed.