Part number for connector housing on PRT-18769

What is the series (or part number) of the JST connector housing used with PRT-18769 (the 3xAA battery holder)? I’ve been asked to add the mating header to my product.

I’ve noticed that Sparkfun never gives the series for the JST connectors they use, as though JST only made one type of connector. Saying something has a JST connector is like saying something has a USB jack without saying if it’s micro or type c. Maybe that’s something that could be improved?

I found this other battery holder, which says it’s JST-PH. Is it the same as the one used for PRT-18769?

Sparkfun seems to have standardized on JST-PH, PRT-09749 should fit. :slight_smile:

Thank you for commenting, but I was hoping someone from inside Sparkfun with access to their BOMs would reply with exactly what they use. I don’t want to trust someone else’s guess. Getting it wrong would be an expensive mistake.