parts help


For my own design I am looking for a part similar to one that is used in a couple of Sparkfun products. Looking at the open source Eagle files I see it identified as Sparkfun CONN-13790, however it doesn’t appear to be available for purchase on the website. However I don’t need this part, but rather a single row version. So I was wondering if I could get the name of the manufacture and the part number so I can see if they make what I need?

Thank you

I don’t know that they make a single row version of these but the company that makes them is called 4uCon.

Hope you’re able to find something that will work. :slight_smile:

Thanks Chris! I know 4uCon. Would you happen to have a part number for the double-row version? (their website is hard to navigate and I’ll be looking for a local supplier)


Looks like it’s part number 10956.

Thanks Chris, found it! … 9&&sample=

Doesn’t seem like they make a single-row version (maybe I could use the extra pins for future expansion?) and unfortunately don’t offer a 16 pin version either. But as I am making something Feather compatible I can use the 12 pin (21009) plus the 4 pin (20896) together.

The aren’t low profile but something like [PRT-11543 might work for you. Header pins can enter those from either the top or the bottom. If you mounted those on a board that had holes under the header receptacles, they would pass through the board and still connect with the header from below. Not sure how long the pins would need to be to do that, they might need to be a bit longer than normal to make it work but this could be a solution for you. 4uCon has these under part number 18487, Digi-Key has a similar part under part number S5639-ND.

If nothing else, it these might get you on the right track to find exactly what you’re after, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out someone makes a lower profile version that would fit your needs. :-)](

Thanks Chris.

You are totally right on this. I am in fact I am using the exact same part from Digikey, SMD mounted to the trace layer, I am able to insert the module from the top and reduce the upper profile… but of course in exchange for three-tenths of depth (plus PCB thickness) on the bottom(!).

Likewise while the connection to the underside connector is ‘firm’ it’s not ‘solid’, unlike when I insert things into the connectors on your boards. And given that these are going into the field, I’d like them to be solid (I also could use the clearance below).

Anyway just thought I’d share as a way to say ‘thanks’ and also if this info/thread might be helpful for others.

• Robb Drinkwater